Women’s hour – BBC Radio 4

A while ago I featured on BBC Radio 4′s Woman’s Hour, where they were looking at handwriting versus typing and I was interviewed about learning to touch type.

When you think about it, it’s fascinating how things have changed over a reasonably short time.


When I was at school, typing was something trained secretaries did, so you only learnt to touch type if you wanted to work in administration. Looking back, it was a bit like learning in a boot camp – but we were well trained and had great technique!

Nowadays, nearly everyone uses a keyboard – though most people start with two-finger typing and don’t get much further. Probably because most people are self-taught and find the idea of learning to touch type a bit intimidating.

The interview is still available on BBC iPlayer, and my bit starts 12 minutes into the recording http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00x7830
So how about you? Can you touch type? Have you ever wanted to learn? Let us know in the comments.


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Transcription: DIY or Outsource?

I became a freelance virtual PA over 10 years ago.  Previous to that I had worked as a senior level PA within many large organisations, but I decided to take the plunge into self-employment, hoping there would be enough work to keep me busy…and I’m glad to say there has!  In recent times I have been increasingly busy, which is great, but it has also surprised me in some ways.

Why outsourcing is more cost effective for Solicitors

It’s that time of the year when my solicitors are considering cover while their secretaries are away on holiday.

We have been receiving lots of enquiries from solicitors looking to outsource projects from typing up witness statements, telephone attendance notes, file notes, letters, letters of appointment, emails, file opening forms to looking after your diary, internet research and proofreading. 

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